Working with Internal Table in ABAP

 Internal Table:

Internal tables are variable data objects in which you can store several values of identical type. This type has to be specified in the declaration and is called the row type of the internal table.

Table Types:

The type of an internal table is called a table type.

In the previous example we used TYPE TABLE OF in the DATA statement directly. The table type was bound to the declared variable.

As an alternative you can use TYPE TABLE OF in a TYPES statement to define a table type with a name. You can then use this table type, for example, in a DATA statement. The visibility of these types depends on the position of the TYPES statement.

 Processing Data in a Simple Internal Table:

CLASS zcl_01_hello_world DEFINITION
    INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun .

CLASS zcl_01_hello_world IMPLEMENTATION.

  METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.

* Declarations
    " Internal tables
    DATA numbers TYPE TABLE OF i.
    "Table type (local)
    TYPES tt_strings TYPE TABLE OF string.
    DATA texts1      TYPE tt_strings.
    " Table type (global)
    DATA texts2 TYPE string_table.
    " work areas
    DATA number TYPE i VALUE 1234.
    DATA text TYPE string.

* Example 1: APPEND
    APPEND 4711       TO numbers.
    APPEND number     TO numbers.
    APPEND 2 * number TO numbers.
    out->write(  '-----------------' ).
    out->write(  'Example 1: APPEND' ).
    out->write(  '-----------------' ).
    out->write( numbers ).

* Example 2: CLEAR
    CLEAR numbers.
    out->write(  '----------------' ).
    out->write(  'Example 2: CLEAR' ).
    out->write(  '----------------' ).
    out->write( numbers ).

* Example 3: table expression
    APPEND 4711       TO numbers.
    APPEND number     TO numbers.
    APPEND 2 * number TO numbers.
    out->write(  `---------------------------` ).
    out->write(  `Example 3: Table Expression` ).
    out->write(  `---------------------------` ).
    number = numbers[ 2 ] .
    out->write( |Content of row 2: { number }|    ).
    "Direct use of expression in string template
    out->write( |Content of row 1: { numbers[ 1 ]  }| ).

* Example 4: LOOP ... ENDLOOP
    out->write(  `---------------------------` ).
    out->write(  `Example 4: LOOP ... ENDLOOP` ).
    out->write(  `---------------------------` ).
    LOOP AT numbers INTO number.
      out->write( |Row: { sy-tabix } Content { number }| ).

* Example 5: Inline declaration in LOOP ... ENDLOOP
    out->write(  `-----------------------------` ).
    out->write(  `Example 5: Inline Declaration` ).
    out->write(  `-----------------------------` ).
    LOOP AT numbers INTO DATA(number_inline).
      out->write( |Row: { sy-tabix } Content { number_inline }| ).



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